Minneapolis Vocal Glass Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 https://brigleb.com/wp-content/uploads/1993/01/1993-Ray_Daniels-Vocal_Glass.mp3 Featuring the voice of my friend Laura, this was just me enjoying the heck out of a “phaser” pedal or something I had for my guitar at the time. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail
Minneapolis Pink Thunder Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 I believe my friend Mathew played on this one. Don’t much remember recording it. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail
Minneapolis Shattered Glass Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 Before I had access to a multitrack device of any kind, I recorded this with a pair of handheld cassette recorders. It was more or less to prove a technical point, which is my way of saying that it’s completely unlistenable. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail
Minneapolis Feedback Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 Throwaway, but I did eventually make a video for it for the Hello! Video show I used to run. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail